Southern Food and Beverage Museum is a nonprofit living history organization dedicated to the discovery, understanding and celebration of the food, drink and the related culture of the South.

Here at SoFAB, we have a special project that has been a part of our mission since before we even had a museum: we collect menus. We have menus from Galatoire's back when they had a men's cigar room, menus from the first Tex-Mex restaurant in Houston, menus from the Chinese restaurants in South Carolina, and menus chronicling the suffering of restaurants right after the oil spill this summer. We believe that menus help paint a picture of the culinary landscape of a place, indicating what food people ate, how they describe it, and who eats it.
We need your help to keep our collection growing, so we're asking for menus from restaurants in the South, Southern restaurants outside the American South, from the past and from the present. We'll reward the person that sends in the most menus from now until January 28 with a wonderful and informative cookbook from Anne Butler. Join us on
Facebook to qualify!
Whoever sends us the most menus by the end of the month will receive a free cookbook. The contest rules are:
- You must be a fan of the Southern Food and Beverage Museum on
- You must send menus to us postmarked no later than January 28th.
Along with your name and mailing address, please send any submissions to:
Southern Food and Beverage Museum
500 Port of Orleans Place, Suite 169
New Orleans, LA 70130
The winner will be announced on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011.