Friday, February 12, 2010

The Butch Cookbook

While this blog is primarily going to be for restaurant reviews, I will also talk about cookbooks and cooking. Today, I'm going to pimp a cookbook that I'm a contributor to: The Butch Cook Book. Containing lesbian lore and humor, this book shows that there is more to butch cooking than burning stuff on the grill or opening a box of mac and cheese.

There are three of my recipes in the book--Chile Con Carne, Mustard Chicken and Quadruple Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Don't just take my biased word that this is a fabulous addition to your bookshelves--the book has even been reviewed. Check out what they have to say:

Butch: Its What for Dinner by Dana Rudolph

Beyond Beer Can Chicken by Malinda Lo

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to take so long to thank you for the review. I'm just getting onto facebook and don't yet know what I'm doing. Good to see this.

